Hitesh Kapadia's Blog!

Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.

What is work-life balance?

Posted by Hitesh Kapadia on September 14, 2007

In the simplest explanation, balance in life means ‘time for everything’. Work-life balance means you undertake and enjoy the responsibilities and workloads of both, your work and your family life. Balance doesn’t necessarily mean having more free time. But it does mean that you utilize every moment in a way that is as pleasant and productive for your own living.

Why a work-life balance is important?

Life is obviously more important than work. But without work, life wouldn’t be a complete one too. The first and foremost reason to have a job is to build a life that is most comfortable and hassle-free. The years that have been spent for so much of studies are for getting a job like this. But once you land up with your desired job, instead of a new exciting life, you loose the balance just like a newborn trying to fly a kite.

You have already come through the reasons. Now let’s see the problems when there is no work-life balance. The basic problems happen due to the absence of a proper balance in life are,

  • Health and fitness problems
  • Stress and tensions
  • Relationship problems
  • Financial Problems

But these basic problems will give rise to unimaginable consequences. Diseases, most rare and fatal, mental disorders, memory problems etc may just haunt you like anything. But where is the help? What are the ways to find a rhythm of life? What are the necessary elements in your life that need a proper alignment and balance? Just scroll down….

Tips for a work-family agreement

Knowing when to disconnect, shut it off, unplug, or walk away from work is one of the essential keys to balance work and family life.

When was the last time you completely left work behind? How frequently do you take work home, check e-mail or voice mail from home, or take your work with you on vacation? Do you feel you can’t afford to not do these things? What’s the real impact on your personal sense of balance when you are consistently making work your top priority?

However, more often than not, you let work seep into your personal lives even when there’s not a bonafide emergency or time-urgent crisis. You’ve become so accustomed to the ever-presence of your work that you’ve unconsciously allowed further intrusions that have, in many cases, become unreasonable.

1) Plan your life

Plan your works and the time for each of them. Avoid working late or taking assignments home out of habit. Do it only when you have an urgent project deadline. It will not be a wise career move to be a clock-watcher or an Out At 5 kind of guy, but it is a good idea to make plans after work a couple of days each week. It will get you out the door at a reasonable hour and refocus your attention.

2) Work at work and family with family

Protect each role from interference by the others. When you are at work do your work with dedication. At home be a total family man. Turn off your cell phone, laptop, beeper, or email when you are at home, so that you can be fully “present” during this time. Similarly, when you are at work, try to limit personal life intrusions – this will help you be more efficient and effective during your workday.

3) Achieve a psychological balance

Time is not necessarily the main conflict you experience between work and personal life. Most of the time it is your psyche that destroys your balance. The psychological disturbances have serious impact over the work-life ongoing. The psychological conflicts (guilt, difficulty “turning off” work behaviors at home, pressure, anxiety) create the most problems. To balance here, you have to withdraw your mind from some of those unhelpful emotional participations. This will help cut all the negative emotions you have.

4) Utilize office options

Take advantage of your workplace’s family-friendly policies and supports. If your workplace offers discretion over the methods, timing, or location of your work, use this flexibility to improve your situation. Check for the availability of workplace options such as flex-time, telecommuting, compressed work weeks, vacation purchase plans, etc. Many companies are recognizing the importance of satisfied employees and are helping them achieve worklife balance.

5) Share the Load

Don’t assume yourself doing all the family necessaries. Get your partner or other family members to help you with all your personal/family responsibilities. Taking care of the household, children, or parents should not be the responsibility of just one person.

6) Take it easy- the best policy

Except living, everything is of no value. This is a great philosophy to be understood. Don’t give something an importance more than what it deservers. Let things go smoothly and easily. Learn to recognize the things that don’t really have much impact in your life and allow yourself to let them go.

3 Responses to “What is work-life balance?”

  1. etmyoga said

    Good material! Enjoyed the article. I encourage you to view http://www.timecontrol.cc and see how a lot of these problems can be solved through behaviour based time management. Behaviour is the key to success! Through behaviour techniques you can manage yourself, your teams and your loved ones gain greater time control.
    Time Control gives you the edge

    Two athletes are competing in the 1000m Olympic finals. Both have spent the last four years conditioning themselves. Both have prepared through gruelling practice runs, strict diet control, daily strength building and mental preparations. In the final moments of the race, the winner gets ahead – just 5 seconds separates first from second. Those five seconds mean glory, an Olympic medal and a place in history.

    Another example is two students of the same age, from the same city and from similar socio-economic backgrounds. One graduates from college with high distinctions and ends up in a steady but dead end job. The other drops out of college and goes on to become a millionaire.

    So I ask you, what makes one person more successful than the other? What gives them the edge?

    The more successful person is better prepared and conditioned for success. The winner had built up a repertoire of clever strategies to tap into and uses techniques the others haven’t tried. The millionaire adopted smart strategies to optimize every hour of every day for greater results. The others just kept on doing the same things.

    It’s not about working smarter not harder – it’s about using better methods and maximizing tools to condition yourself – such as positive behavior change.

    Changing poor life habits is not a risk; not changing is.

    That’s where Time Control eCoaching comes in. We deliver results through positive behavioral changes. http://www.timecontrol.cc

  2. Thank you for such a valuable comment!
    keep visiting!!

  3. Ankit Ranpura said

    ya it very nice written … it is must reqires in higher education n in higher studies….

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